While on our mission we have the very unique opportunity to talk to our families only twice a year on Mother’s Day, and Christmas. It is a very special time to get caught up on new events that have transpired, and hear how everyone is doing. On the other had it is strange to talk with your family after so long. You realize how close and familiar their voices really are, and how much you remember them. It so happened to be Mother’s Day yesterday and I was able to share a few minutes on the phone with my family. It was so much fun to hear everyone gathered laughing and having a good time. I am grateful that the Lord has given me such an amazing family her on earth (Families can be together forever). But what about our family that is not here on earth? I think we underestimate how much we miss hearing from our Heavenly Family. I am sure that when we go back (Alma 40:11) to our father in Heaven we will be shocked how well we recognize his voice. But we don’t need to wait that long we have the opportunity to call upon God at any time, place, or situation. We don’t have the restriction of only calling them twice a year or only on sever situations we have an amazing ability to call upon him at anytime. I love the Scripture in 3 Nephi 18: 15-21 it talks about praying to the Father alwasy that we come off conquer. It also tells us that we should pray for our wives and our childern that they are safe. I know that Heavenly Father wants to hear from us, but do we want to hear from him and if so what are we going to do to start. I know my parents taught me to talk to my Heavenly Father from the moment I woke up in the morning to the moment I layed my head back down. We all can talk with him at anytime moment or situation. It was a great oppotunity to talk with my family, but I know it is much more important to talk with our Heavenly father every day! I know he listens and I know he answers our Prayers (Enos 1) all we need to do is go to him. As Christ Says "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.) (Luke 11:9) We might not always get the answer righ away, but i know the Lord always answers, and he always has a clear signal (Skies and Signals).
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